Wildlife Photo 2024 Results

This year we ran a local wildlife photo competition during May and June.

You can see all entries here:

… and here are the results, kindly judged by Bryony Herrod-Taylor.

Bryony Herrod-Taylor

Category: 0-11 years (primary)


‘Snail on Leaf’ good composition and great effect on the shell. 

Title: Snail on leaf

Photographer: Pip Snellgrove

Place: Hatherleigh moor

Runner up:

‘Blue Dragonfly’ lovely photo of the damsel fly, in good focus showing its detail beautifully. 

Title: Blue Dragonfly

Photographer: Erin Neale

Place: Hatherleigh Moor Brook

Category: 12-16 years


‘Paying Respects’ I love the composition and observation of wildlife in every corner of our environment. 

Title: Paying Respects

Photographer: Charlie Anderson

Description: Jackdaw perched on lichen covered gravestone surrounded by wild flowers

Place: Hatherleigh church

Runners up:

‘Frog on the grass’ great photo and good observation as it is not easy to spot these amphibians in the wild. 

Title: Frog on the grass

Photographer: Wilf Snellgrove

Place: Near the pond on Hatherleigh moor

‘Butterfly on a Thistle’ a well focused photo which is hard to achieve with butterflies. Lovely photo. 

Title: Butterfly on a Thistle

Photographer: Molly Snellgrove

Place: Hatherleigh to Iddesleigh walk

Category: 17+ years


‘Emerging’ gorgeous photo of a young bluetit. I love the contrast of the painted bird box. 

Title: Emerging

Photographer: Samantha Hill

Description: Taken in lockdown in our backyard. The kids made a bird box and a bluetit moved in. This was the 1st of the young to emerge.

Place: Backyard of 41 Bridge Street. Taken from the upstairs window

Runners up:

‘Deer in Flight Black and White’ and amazing capture which is not easy with the speed of these animals. Great to watch the deer as they graze watchfully. 

Title: Deer in Flight Black and White

Photographer: Jonathan Sterrick

Description: a roe deer running past me around 6.30am

Place: Hatherleigh moor

‘Orchids on Lower Moor’ Lovely composition and colours of the beautifully patterned orchids. 

Title: Orchids on Lower Moor

Photographer: Jo Pullin

Description: Wild Flower Meadow

Place: Lower Moor

Thank you for all the wonderful entries!