A Study of Sheep Psychology by Kate Ripley

So you think we are Stupid… ?

A talk by Kate Ripley: “A Study of Sheep Psychology”

Date: Tuesday 9th July
Time: 7.30-8.30pm
Meet: Old Schools, Hatherleigh
Cost: Free, donations welcome
Tickets: Places limited, booking required
Click here or scroll down to book

Sheep have had a bad press. People talk happily about their clever pets and even acknowledge that pigs are intelligent, but sheep are often dismissed as “stupid”. Sadly, even farmers and other professionals, who work with animals, have been heard to echo those sentiments about sheep. 

It’s time to challenge the myth!!

Sheep Talk: So you think we are Stupid… ?

Studies of the behaviour of sheep

Due to the popularity of this talk, we have arranged for a few more seats. Places remaining: 4

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