Printers Paradise Studio & Gallery


Printers Paradise Gallery

Open: Friday 4 – 8pm, Saturday 11am – 7pm, Sunday 11am – 4pm.
1st Floor Old Schools

An exhibition and celebration of the vast range of printmaking techniques and processes by the south west based artist members of CAMP PrintKin.

We are also showing a letterpress tray exhibition of mini prints, with trays by artists and printmakers including The ladies of Hatherleigh’s Alchemy Room and participants of our workshops.
There will also be an original print store with all work will be for sale.


Friday 12th – Mini Print Workshops

4 – 6pm • Ground floor Old Schools • Over 11’s • Suggested donation £3

Mini prints with Rachel Snowdon and Claire Gladstone   

Add to our print installation – A Fight of Swallows

We are creating a flight of swallows from stencils of the birds which will be printed with paints and hung in Old Schools.

Saturday 13th – Workshops throughout the day

10am – 5pm • Ground floor Old Schools • Over 11’s • Suggested donation £3

Join us for a full day of printmaking workshops that include: Botanical prints, stitching into prints, gelli plate printing, rubber stamps, mono printing, lino cutting and so much more…

All day: – A Flight of Swallows

10am – 12pm: Gelli Plate printing with Katrina Embling

11am – 1pm: Sewing into prints with Jan Ramirez

1 – 3pm: Lino printing with Jacqui Jones

2 – 4pm: Trace monoprints with Frances Stanniforth

2 – 4pm: Gelli plate printing with Viv Spencer and Heather Burwell

5pm: Heather Burwell will talk about her work ‘Common Threads’ (see image below), created in the pandemic, which explores the relationship to home and the importance of place as a vessel for memory, structure and loss.

Common Threads by Heather Burwell

Sunday 14th – Badge Making

12 – 2pm – Ground floor Old Schools • Suggested donation £2

Join us on Sunday to make your very own personalised badge – this could be anything from a small illustration or simply a few words.